Technological University (Kyaukse) Historical Background
The University was established in December 1998 as Government Technical Institute (GTI). In January 2001, GTI was reformed to Government Technological College (GTC). GTC was upgraded to Technological University on 20, January 2007. The university was moderated by the Ministry of Science and Technology until 2016. It was operated under the Ministry of Education from 2016 to 2021. It has been processed under the Ministry of Science and Technology since 2021. The University has been fully funded by the Government since it was founded.
In February 2016, Quality Management System was implemented according to ISO 9001. The university received ISO 9001:2008 Certificate for Provision of Undergraduate Engineering Education and Training Services in 18.2.2016. ISO 9001:2015 Certificate for Provision of Undergraduate Engineering Education and Training Services was received in 14.9.2018. ISO 9001:2015 (Re-Certification) for Provision of Undergraduate Engineering Education and Training Services was given in 9.2.2022. In 2018, Bachelor of Engineering Programs from Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Power Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Material Science and Metallurgical Engineering and Information Technology achieved provisional accreditation from Engineering Education Accreditation Committee, Myanmar Engineering Council.
In October 2019, the University became the ASEAN University Network- Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) Associate Member. According to the AUN-QA IQA Task Force meeting held on 20.10.2023 in Bangkok, Thailand, AUN-QA Community Project (2023-2027) has been managed by AUN-QA Secretariat with the aim of aligning universities in Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar with AUN-QA Framework & Outcome-Based Education and continuously developing quality assurance at Program Level and Institutional Level of these universities based on AUN-QA Framework and Outcome-Based Education. Technological University (Kyaukse) has got the opportunity to participate in AUN-QA Community Project (2023-2027).
QThe first conference on Science Engineering and Research was successfully held in August 2018. The University published the first journal of science, Engineering and Research in January 2019. The University has provided research fund to faculty member since 2018.

The University was established in December 1998 as Government Technical Institute (GTI).

The Smart campus is transformed into a military training center, and laboratories are used to conduct research in support of the war effort. Captain John Simons and his band’s weekly broadcasts from Bromley Hall are heard by citizens and troops around the world.

In January 2001, GTI was reformed to Government Technological College (GTC).

GTC was upgraded to Technological University on 20, January 2007.

The university was moderated by the Ministry of Science and Technology until 2016. It has been processed under Ministry of Education since 2016. The University has been fully funded by the Government since it was founded.

In 2018, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Power Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Material Science and Metallurgical Engineering and Information Technology achieved provisional accreditation from Engineering Education Accreditation Committee.

In October 2019, the University became the ASEAN University Network- Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) Associate Member.